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Building Lasting Relationships

Changing the Way the World Sees our





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Our workbook book is designed to address first, self-esteem! Why? Because it is  important to build the foundation of self-esteem to help the student learn how it relates to their seeing their own self-worth. Once the foundation is laid for recognizing the importance of self-esteem, it is so much easier to show the student the other life skills they will need for life, such as job readiness, empowerment, avoiding drugs, understanding sexuality, the need to look out for their community, handling stress, public speaking, hygiene, etiquette and dressing appropriately for every occasion. 


Other books will be added to the website store periodically that will inspire, uplift, and encourage.

The book provides an important path of hope for adolescents navigating a complex and confusing world. 

Dr. Acacia M. Warren

My children really benefitted from this book and the classes. They learned valuable job readiness skills that have helped them even today in securing and maintaining their jobs.

Nina Pickens

“I'm Somebody Worth Saving" is an AWESOME comprehensive workbook that will guide teens through those difficult years into adulthood where they can be productive citizens of society. This is a must read!

Minster Stephanie Knight M.Ed., OTR/L

This book and the classes that go along with this study were an experience for me. All teenagers need this book and the classes. It helps them navigate the troublesome teen years as they grow up.

Lakesky (Shelly) Walker

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